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Book Keeping

Do you wish you had your own account department but don’t want to pay the wage bill for a complete accounts team? 

Is your cashflow suffering because you’re not receiving money in from customers within the credit terms?  

Do you have mountains of paperwork and have no idea on how to present these into a format to present to your accountant?

Book-keeping involves updating your books and records (cashbook, debtors and creditor ledgers).

This can be done manually or using a computerised accounts package (Sage line 50, Quickbooks etc.)

The main purpose of book-keeping is to gather the necessary information to be able to produce a set of accounts and to prepare VAT returns (if you are VAT registered).

Ideally this needs to be done on a regular basis and we can update your records either on a:

  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly or
  • Quarterly basis

If you already have a book-keeper and want a management accountant but don’t want to pay the salary for a full-time accountant then see Management Accountant Role .

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